Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I would like to detoxify my body- any advice?

I was thinking of eating only fresh fruit, veggies, nuts, and water/tea- does this sound ok? And how long should I do it? Also, is it ok to steam the veggies (without adding salt, etc)? Serious answers only please and site your sources (if any).
go vegan, as you have suggested. Look to my other answers on the same subject for further information.
the greens.
When detoxifying you can do it within 2 weeks but you cant eat any kind of breads certain vegtables and some meats. Here is a good site that tells you all about what you should eat and how to do it right. I like the tea diet to it is great at cleansing your system.
Green tea is great to detox your body. the website posted below make a great detox tea. It is a bit weird tasting but works wonderful as I have tried it many times.
Drink lots of water. Keep to only fresh raw veggies and fruit for 24 hours. Then going forward then best way to flush the toxins from your body is to drink lots of plain water.
Drink 1.5 litres of fresh water first thing when you wake up in the morning. Do this for one week and you will feel real great.
Never detox your body without your doc's supervision. Here's why: Although you may feel you know your body "inside and out," even the healthiest of people can have "on-the-horizon-ready-to-break... conditions that, because most of us are only part of "Mr. Q" public, we often don't know that something is about to blossom until it does.
Regarding the steamed veggies, eat those "till you drop." Just watch the salt addition (not too much), and the idea of eating them without salt is excellent. If you eat meat and processed foods in cans, the salt requirement that we all need for proper nerve function and the necessary iodine for the body will be met.
check out "fat flush detox" at

I would like to buy a treadmill but I am worried that it will make my electricity bill go up significantly.?

Check the wattage of the motor.If 500 watts, it will use that amount in an hour. You are probably charged by the kilowatt, or 1000 watts. Check your electric bill for charge per kilowatt.An hour a day at 500w, 10 cents a Kw, is $.05x30 = $1.50 a month. If it is a 2Kw motor, $6.00 a month. If a 4Kw motor, $12.00 a month.Buy a few flourescent bulbs and and you can even out the cost.
Find a tall building and start taking the stairs or have a solar
panel installed on your roof and hook it up to a treadmill.
I bought a treadmill it didn't affect my electric bill at all. But to be fair I hardly used it and eventually never used it. I found that going to the gym kept me motivated.

I would like to a soda pop calories to my diet during work.?

I am trying to gain muscle and I have a new job that is very physically demanding and quiting is not a option. I normally blend up dry oatmeal with skim milk and some cottage cheese for a easy to drink , high calorie meal at break time. Because of my new job, should I start to drink some soda pop throughout the day ? I am thinking this way I will burn the carbs from the soda pop and not so much from my 300-400 grams of protein intake throughout the day? Thanks!
NO NO NO the worst thing to have happened to the American diet is the consuming of carbonated artificial drinks. Want to ruin your health? Start drinking those things and then wonder why you get short of breath , you are hungry all the time and why you all of a sudden have gerd or "acid indigestion".
if the soda pop doesn't have that much sugar.

I worries about my HEIGHT. i'm 16 and every 2 day's i go to gym. Does it effect my HEIGHT??

You are pretty much pre destined to be a certain height regardless. It is genetics. I dont know if you are worried too short or too tall but not much you can do about it. ( Dont take hormones if you are too short)
not at all. you're height is written in your DNA and nothing physical you can do will harm that. drugs will stunt your growth though...caffiene being the major one so if you drink it...quit it.
How could working out affect your height? If you're concerned about how tall you are, you would be better off talking to a doctor.
lol, no, theres nothing you can do to effect your height, its a genetic thing. Unless you're starved as a child, that will stunt you growth.
There aren't too many scientific studies that can prove whether or not heavy lifting during puberty reduces height, unless they get sets of identical twins, let only one do weight lift training and then compare their heights. But even with this kind of study, they would have to keep their diets and everything else similar to draw any solid conclusions.However, a recent review (published 2006) found that current evidence (although possibly weak evidence)...suggest that teens undergoing resistance training under supervision are not shorter because of it.
No unless you get seriously injured. If anything lifting weights will increase your bone density which could make you grow taller.
Don't worry, generally Ht increases till age of 18, you are 16 it will increase naturally but artifically you can try cycling to increase your Ht.
hey buddy dont worry about the wrong comments given by some one that the act of excercising in gym wll affect the health
its absolutely wrong the act of excercising will stimulate the cells so that once we under take any food after exercise will be completely under taken by the cells for their growth so dont be afraid of the wrong comments given by someone

I work two jobs and am always very tired. Do you think it is terribly bad to take pep pills with Red Bull?

I know it's not GOOD for you. But just how bad is it? Everyone is telling me I am going to have a heart attack. I am only 20 years old and doubt I will have a heart attack, but what do you think? Any doctors out there? THANKS
"I am only 20 years old and doubt I will have a heart attack"?Don'rt deceive yourself. ANYONE of ANY AGE can have a heart attack.
The two substance you take increase your heart rate. Even if you are young - sooner or later, prolong usage will take its toll and your heart will no longer cope. Even if you DON'T have a heart attack - your heart may already sufferred that you will have problems later on in life.It's NOT worth it.Please, please, please ... look after yourself.
yes it can cause a very unsafe rise in your blood pressure which could cause a heart attack or it could cause your heart to just stop beating,either way you could die! dont risk it its not worth it! good luck.
well i am a college student too and i work up to and over 50 hours per week, every week of the year and still go to school. One thing about red bull and other drinks with caffine is that you get a caffine high/buzz whatever you want to call it. It keeps you going for a while but lets you down and even more tired later on. Caffine increases your heart rate - more blood to the brain. But it doesn't help your foggy brain to wake up. What I do to stay awake...is..try to get enough sleep. Nothing can substitute for enough sleep. I get 4.5 hours of sleep on a daily basis and can make it thru each day doing this: Immediately when i wake up i have a good big breakfast (bran flakes + milk, yoghurt, banana, 2 cereal bars, 1 x 500mg vitamin B pill). I drink a cup of coffee too just out of habit but you could probably get away with no coffee. The reason for vit B is that it supports for nervous system and brain functions..so you are more alert. Then I go about my daily tasks and have a snack at 9:00 am (i wake up at 4:30 am every morning). The snack is usually 2 more cereal bars because they are easy to take to work. Then I go to tschool and can actually concentrate because the vit B has kicked in and keeps me alert. After school I each a good sized lunch with lots of protein and carbs..for energy to get me thru the rest of the day as well as some more vit B. When I get home I eat a good dinner too before doing homework and then sleeping at 12am. When you sleep less than youshould you need to keep you body fueled all the time and if you spend 18 to 20 hours awake and active, don't worry about putting on weight. Just each good nutritiousfood and take vit B and you should be good every day. Red bull tastes nasty too ;)

I work out early in the morning at home with eating anything.Am I doing anything wrong?

my workout also includes 10-15 minutes of yoga.please guide me.(I've my breakfast after workout only)
Food is fuel. If you can get through your workout feeling OK without fueling up first, then don't worry about it. You might consider downing a pint or two of water first though, as most people are a bit dehydrated when they get up.
You are doing it correctly in my eyes at least, your breakfast help to get your metabolism going for the day

I work out at night. is it better to eat before the gym or after? i usually hit the gym by 8pm.?

After, always after. You want your body to burn up the stored up energy. Eating aftwards is always best.
Pick up ANY fitness magazine like "Muscle and Fitness", "Muscle Mag" or any of the like and the "experts" will tell you the same thing. Eating before a workout is going to slow you down and plus then your body is not burning any of your stored fat. People shouldn't just say before, they obviously have never taken the time to read any kind of data on working out and fitness if they do. Any legit magazine or workout/fitness show will verify that.
eat be4 you go so that you can work it off
before, don't over eat but eating meals at night b4 u go to bed is bad 4 u as it just sits in u and will make u fat.have a light snack like toast but not a meal
Hmmmm. Well normally I would say after but because you are working out so late, it probably not a good idea to be eating that late at night then sleeping on it.I would say an hour or two before, to give your body time to digest, then a light snack if you are hungry after.
better to eat after... especially protean. but don't work out hungry .have a snack
After is the best bet Your body is in need of substance it will undermine the mind if it does not recieve it. Besides that every miliatary activity is directly followed by a full meal. ( in boot camp)
Eat after, anything before bed as long as it has the right sought of things to help rebuild the cells in your muscles.
eat a banana bout 1/2 an hour b4 hand (for a slow energy release) than afterwards eat a Banana and Peanutbutter sandwich on whole grain bread (protein from banana,fat from peanutbutter and carbohydrates from bread) trust me i aint pulling your leg its quite nice
I would eat a normal meal 1 hour before working out, avoiding Dairy (cramps + poo). Make sure you replenish your carbs and protein afterwards with a banana and some nuts or protein powder. You will damage your muscles if their isn't protein available. Myself, I work out around 5pm, so I have a small ham sandwich or something ,then workout, then come back for a real meal. I don't have any weight issues from eating later.
We'll we are suppose to eat no later than 6 p.m. My personal trainer once told me that we should work out 2 hours after we eat since we will feel full and less energetic right after we eat. So if you work out at 8, you should be fine.If you feel hungry after u work out, don't mind having 1 toast w/pbj. Good protein!
I work out late too. I eat before the gym, cuz if I dont I wont have any energy to work out on. So I eat like 2 and a half hours before and then eat a small meal again when i get done. Working out makes me very hungry.. and i get hungry every 3 hours anyway, so I have to eat before I go, or I wont have any energy to go work out with! I dont know about u but thats just me.
AFTER, you should eat after. The only thing you should eat before a workout is something really light like an orange just to get the any hunger urges out. Don't eat at all before working out if possible. You want to burn up all your stored fat. Eat after while your metabolism is still up.
BEFORE, however not right before, you could get cramping. You really shouldn't eat after 5p.m. or 6p.m. at the latest, that is if you're trying to lose weight. Just a rule of thumb. ALSO, my friend's dr. told him that if he took a shot of vodka after he worked out (he too worked out at night before he went to bed), it would continue to burn the fat while he slept. Also, one of my nutritionists told me not to eat 3-5 hrs before bed (unless totally active). How hard do you work out at the gym and for how long? I would say that if you get the munchies before bed, have something light - maybe some fruit. KEEP IN MIND that not everyone's body is the same, so what one might do, may not work for someone else! Hope this helps.
Eat before you go to the gym if it's over an hour before you get there and start to work out. Don't eat after if you're going to be soon, it'll just add pounds. Don't eat before you go to bed period.. unless it's about two hours before you hit the sack.
You can never work out properly on a completely empty tummy.
At the same time, Food takes 2 hours to digest or it will be stuck in the esophagus while you are working out after a meal.
SO now you have to adjust between the two. I do not know your meal hours and when you go to work.This is what I suggest. Have a light fruity snack. Like a banana and some milk/ soy milk. Or a slice of Whole wheat bread and some fruits. Or coffee at about 6-30PM./7PM
Then gym at 8 is fine.A proper meal after half hour after gym.
After, definitely. If you feel like you can't make it without eating before, you shouldn't eat too much - just something really light.
i think that u have to eat after 1 hour of the gym
NO!! It will take away from your performance and if you do the calories you put in will keep you from loosing weight which is the main goal of all work outs.
Before but not right before. That way u will burn off some cals.
after, because otherwise you can get cramps or be sick
If you're hungry, eat an energy bar and drink some fluids like gatorade or other sports drinks before workout. Then eat a normal meal after the workout.
I would eat a meal around 6 for your 8 o'clock workout. Guessing that you workout to stay trim and fit, I would not eat another meal after your workout. Rather, I would drink a yogurt smootie or something of that nature. Light, but able to replenish your bodily nutrients lost.
You can get an intense workout at home with no exercise equipment to buy and no using dangerous weight, and best of all you can get this workout in only 5-8 minutes a day.Ba Duan Jin Qigong will take you 8-10 minutes a day"The Way Of Energy" Master Lam Kam ChuenFive Rite Of Rejuvination will only take about 5 minutes to complete."The Five Tibetans" Christopher KilhamI have a resting heart rate of around 60 beats per minute. After I do this set of five exercizes, I am exhausted, and my heart rate shoots up to around 130 bpm.This will give you one heck of a workout in only 5-6 minutes!
It's always best to eat before you go, ideally an hour before. That way you have energy to complete your workout, and more energy during. It's actually been shown that you burn more calories if you eat before you work out, because you put more effort into it!
Eat at least 2 hours before working out...you want all the blood you can get to go where you want...your muscles. IF it is busy digesting food, etc., you are defeating yourself. IF you wait until after you work out, you will have a load of food laying in your stomach when you are sleeping...not a good idea. Perhap change your schedule, eat your large meal at noonish, and your "lunch" in the evening after work. Good luck
i would say a light snack before like a smaller sandwhich (like at Publix they have sliced wheat bread in the bag and go to the deli section) and that tastes really good to me with peanut butter and jelly
I would recommend an energy bar or piece of fruit before your workout, to provide you with some energy for the workout, and then a light meal after your workout. As a general rule, you should provide your body a 2 or 3 hours to digest your dinner before going to sleep. Email me if you'd like any additional info!