Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I was wondering what is a good way to not eat for a few days?

This is 4 the 40 hour famine...
-do NOT eat a lot before you start the fast. this will stretch your stomach and you will feel even hungrier
-be sure to stay hydrated! water is the best thing you can drink. it's very important, especially since you normally get a lot of liquid from food you eat
-don't chew gum--it will make you feel hungrier
-don't stuff your face when you break the fast
-have fun!
Will power, or simply lock yourself in a room for 40 hours.
Um.......... wonder DONT EAT its that easy!!
go gambling at a local casino
Huh? Are you stupid? Your body needs you to eat. There's nothing healthy about fasting.
Yes, you may treat the famine like fasting by doing a fruit fast with water, although, I wouldn't recommend such for more than 48 to 72 hours (2 to 3 days). I'd do a sun-up fast with water and fruits/veggies and sun-down, I would eat a normal diet, and do this for your desired fasting time. However, I wouldn't go cold turkey with absolutely nothing. Not only does that lack all common sense, but it'll f**k up your metabolism for years to come coupled with some physical ailments such as likely osteoporosis down the road. I would say, "Niet" to the cold-turkey and devise a way that would meet somewhat like my aforementioned suggestion. Good luck to you and don't go nuts over this.
better yet, instead of eating nothing at all, may i suggest the horseradish diet, yes hear me out now.. scientific studies show that horseradish is one of natures most powerful thermogenics, but the intake of carbs along with horseradish block the thermogenic properties of the horseradish. scientists performed a double blind study conducted with 68 obese persons, the control group fasted for 48 hours with just water to drink, the test group fasted except for water and 3 small jars of horseradish consumed during the 48 hour study. the last test group consumed horseradish on crackers for 48 hours. the study showed the persons who consumed just horseradish lost 17% more weight than the cracker group and 22% more weight than water alone!
There is no good way to do anything this bad.

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