Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I would like to detoxify my body- any advice?

I was thinking of eating only fresh fruit, veggies, nuts, and water/tea- does this sound ok? And how long should I do it? Also, is it ok to steam the veggies (without adding salt, etc)? Serious answers only please and site your sources (if any).
go vegan, as you have suggested. Look to my other answers on the same subject for further information.
the greens.
When detoxifying you can do it within 2 weeks but you cant eat any kind of breads certain vegtables and some meats. Here is a good site that tells you all about what you should eat and how to do it right. I like the tea diet to it is great at cleansing your system.
Green tea is great to detox your body. the website posted below make a great detox tea. It is a bit weird tasting but works wonderful as I have tried it many times.
Drink lots of water. Keep to only fresh raw veggies and fruit for 24 hours. Then going forward then best way to flush the toxins from your body is to drink lots of plain water.
Drink 1.5 litres of fresh water first thing when you wake up in the morning. Do this for one week and you will feel real great.
Never detox your body without your doc's supervision. Here's why: Although you may feel you know your body "inside and out," even the healthiest of people can have "on-the-horizon-ready-to-break... conditions that, because most of us are only part of "Mr. Q" public, we often don't know that something is about to blossom until it does.
Regarding the steamed veggies, eat those "till you drop." Just watch the salt addition (not too much), and the idea of eating them without salt is excellent. If you eat meat and processed foods in cans, the salt requirement that we all need for proper nerve function and the necessary iodine for the body will be met.
check out "fat flush detox" at

I would like to buy a treadmill but I am worried that it will make my electricity bill go up significantly.?

Check the wattage of the motor.If 500 watts, it will use that amount in an hour. You are probably charged by the kilowatt, or 1000 watts. Check your electric bill for charge per kilowatt.An hour a day at 500w, 10 cents a Kw, is $.05x30 = $1.50 a month. If it is a 2Kw motor, $6.00 a month. If a 4Kw motor, $12.00 a month.Buy a few flourescent bulbs and and you can even out the cost.
Find a tall building and start taking the stairs or have a solar
panel installed on your roof and hook it up to a treadmill.
I bought a treadmill it didn't affect my electric bill at all. But to be fair I hardly used it and eventually never used it. I found that going to the gym kept me motivated.

I would like to a soda pop calories to my diet during work.?

I am trying to gain muscle and I have a new job that is very physically demanding and quiting is not a option. I normally blend up dry oatmeal with skim milk and some cottage cheese for a easy to drink , high calorie meal at break time. Because of my new job, should I start to drink some soda pop throughout the day ? I am thinking this way I will burn the carbs from the soda pop and not so much from my 300-400 grams of protein intake throughout the day? Thanks!
NO NO NO the worst thing to have happened to the American diet is the consuming of carbonated artificial drinks. Want to ruin your health? Start drinking those things and then wonder why you get short of breath , you are hungry all the time and why you all of a sudden have gerd or "acid indigestion".
if the soda pop doesn't have that much sugar.

I worries about my HEIGHT. i'm 16 and every 2 day's i go to gym. Does it effect my HEIGHT??

You are pretty much pre destined to be a certain height regardless. It is genetics. I dont know if you are worried too short or too tall but not much you can do about it. ( Dont take hormones if you are too short)
not at all. you're height is written in your DNA and nothing physical you can do will harm that. drugs will stunt your growth though...caffiene being the major one so if you drink it...quit it.
How could working out affect your height? If you're concerned about how tall you are, you would be better off talking to a doctor.
lol, no, theres nothing you can do to effect your height, its a genetic thing. Unless you're starved as a child, that will stunt you growth.
There aren't too many scientific studies that can prove whether or not heavy lifting during puberty reduces height, unless they get sets of identical twins, let only one do weight lift training and then compare their heights. But even with this kind of study, they would have to keep their diets and everything else similar to draw any solid conclusions.However, a recent review (published 2006) found that current evidence (although possibly weak evidence)...suggest that teens undergoing resistance training under supervision are not shorter because of it.
No unless you get seriously injured. If anything lifting weights will increase your bone density which could make you grow taller.
Don't worry, generally Ht increases till age of 18, you are 16 it will increase naturally but artifically you can try cycling to increase your Ht.
hey buddy dont worry about the wrong comments given by some one that the act of excercising in gym wll affect the health
its absolutely wrong the act of excercising will stimulate the cells so that once we under take any food after exercise will be completely under taken by the cells for their growth so dont be afraid of the wrong comments given by someone

I work two jobs and am always very tired. Do you think it is terribly bad to take pep pills with Red Bull?

I know it's not GOOD for you. But just how bad is it? Everyone is telling me I am going to have a heart attack. I am only 20 years old and doubt I will have a heart attack, but what do you think? Any doctors out there? THANKS
"I am only 20 years old and doubt I will have a heart attack"?Don'rt deceive yourself. ANYONE of ANY AGE can have a heart attack.
The two substance you take increase your heart rate. Even if you are young - sooner or later, prolong usage will take its toll and your heart will no longer cope. Even if you DON'T have a heart attack - your heart may already sufferred that you will have problems later on in life.It's NOT worth it.Please, please, please ... look after yourself.
yes it can cause a very unsafe rise in your blood pressure which could cause a heart attack or it could cause your heart to just stop beating,either way you could die! dont risk it its not worth it! good luck.
well i am a college student too and i work up to and over 50 hours per week, every week of the year and still go to school. One thing about red bull and other drinks with caffine is that you get a caffine high/buzz whatever you want to call it. It keeps you going for a while but lets you down and even more tired later on. Caffine increases your heart rate - more blood to the brain. But it doesn't help your foggy brain to wake up. What I do to stay awake...is..try to get enough sleep. Nothing can substitute for enough sleep. I get 4.5 hours of sleep on a daily basis and can make it thru each day doing this: Immediately when i wake up i have a good big breakfast (bran flakes + milk, yoghurt, banana, 2 cereal bars, 1 x 500mg vitamin B pill). I drink a cup of coffee too just out of habit but you could probably get away with no coffee. The reason for vit B is that it supports for nervous system and brain functions..so you are more alert. Then I go about my daily tasks and have a snack at 9:00 am (i wake up at 4:30 am every morning). The snack is usually 2 more cereal bars because they are easy to take to work. Then I go to tschool and can actually concentrate because the vit B has kicked in and keeps me alert. After school I each a good sized lunch with lots of protein and carbs..for energy to get me thru the rest of the day as well as some more vit B. When I get home I eat a good dinner too before doing homework and then sleeping at 12am. When you sleep less than youshould you need to keep you body fueled all the time and if you spend 18 to 20 hours awake and active, don't worry about putting on weight. Just each good nutritiousfood and take vit B and you should be good every day. Red bull tastes nasty too ;)

I work out early in the morning at home with eating anything.Am I doing anything wrong?

my workout also includes 10-15 minutes of yoga.please guide me.(I've my breakfast after workout only)
Food is fuel. If you can get through your workout feeling OK without fueling up first, then don't worry about it. You might consider downing a pint or two of water first though, as most people are a bit dehydrated when they get up.
You are doing it correctly in my eyes at least, your breakfast help to get your metabolism going for the day

I work out at night. is it better to eat before the gym or after? i usually hit the gym by 8pm.?

After, always after. You want your body to burn up the stored up energy. Eating aftwards is always best.
Pick up ANY fitness magazine like "Muscle and Fitness", "Muscle Mag" or any of the like and the "experts" will tell you the same thing. Eating before a workout is going to slow you down and plus then your body is not burning any of your stored fat. People shouldn't just say before, they obviously have never taken the time to read any kind of data on working out and fitness if they do. Any legit magazine or workout/fitness show will verify that.
eat be4 you go so that you can work it off
before, don't over eat but eating meals at night b4 u go to bed is bad 4 u as it just sits in u and will make u fat.have a light snack like toast but not a meal
Hmmmm. Well normally I would say after but because you are working out so late, it probably not a good idea to be eating that late at night then sleeping on it.I would say an hour or two before, to give your body time to digest, then a light snack if you are hungry after.
better to eat after... especially protean. but don't work out hungry .have a snack
After is the best bet Your body is in need of substance it will undermine the mind if it does not recieve it. Besides that every miliatary activity is directly followed by a full meal. ( in boot camp)
Eat after, anything before bed as long as it has the right sought of things to help rebuild the cells in your muscles.
eat a banana bout 1/2 an hour b4 hand (for a slow energy release) than afterwards eat a Banana and Peanutbutter sandwich on whole grain bread (protein from banana,fat from peanutbutter and carbohydrates from bread) trust me i aint pulling your leg its quite nice
I would eat a normal meal 1 hour before working out, avoiding Dairy (cramps + poo). Make sure you replenish your carbs and protein afterwards with a banana and some nuts or protein powder. You will damage your muscles if their isn't protein available. Myself, I work out around 5pm, so I have a small ham sandwich or something ,then workout, then come back for a real meal. I don't have any weight issues from eating later.
We'll we are suppose to eat no later than 6 p.m. My personal trainer once told me that we should work out 2 hours after we eat since we will feel full and less energetic right after we eat. So if you work out at 8, you should be fine.If you feel hungry after u work out, don't mind having 1 toast w/pbj. Good protein!
I work out late too. I eat before the gym, cuz if I dont I wont have any energy to work out on. So I eat like 2 and a half hours before and then eat a small meal again when i get done. Working out makes me very hungry.. and i get hungry every 3 hours anyway, so I have to eat before I go, or I wont have any energy to go work out with! I dont know about u but thats just me.
AFTER, you should eat after. The only thing you should eat before a workout is something really light like an orange just to get the any hunger urges out. Don't eat at all before working out if possible. You want to burn up all your stored fat. Eat after while your metabolism is still up.
BEFORE, however not right before, you could get cramping. You really shouldn't eat after 5p.m. or 6p.m. at the latest, that is if you're trying to lose weight. Just a rule of thumb. ALSO, my friend's dr. told him that if he took a shot of vodka after he worked out (he too worked out at night before he went to bed), it would continue to burn the fat while he slept. Also, one of my nutritionists told me not to eat 3-5 hrs before bed (unless totally active). How hard do you work out at the gym and for how long? I would say that if you get the munchies before bed, have something light - maybe some fruit. KEEP IN MIND that not everyone's body is the same, so what one might do, may not work for someone else! Hope this helps.
Eat before you go to the gym if it's over an hour before you get there and start to work out. Don't eat after if you're going to be soon, it'll just add pounds. Don't eat before you go to bed period.. unless it's about two hours before you hit the sack.
You can never work out properly on a completely empty tummy.
At the same time, Food takes 2 hours to digest or it will be stuck in the esophagus while you are working out after a meal.
SO now you have to adjust between the two. I do not know your meal hours and when you go to work.This is what I suggest. Have a light fruity snack. Like a banana and some milk/ soy milk. Or a slice of Whole wheat bread and some fruits. Or coffee at about 6-30PM./7PM
Then gym at 8 is fine.A proper meal after half hour after gym.
After, definitely. If you feel like you can't make it without eating before, you shouldn't eat too much - just something really light.
i think that u have to eat after 1 hour of the gym
NO!! It will take away from your performance and if you do the calories you put in will keep you from loosing weight which is the main goal of all work outs.
Before but not right before. That way u will burn off some cals.
after, because otherwise you can get cramps or be sick
If you're hungry, eat an energy bar and drink some fluids like gatorade or other sports drinks before workout. Then eat a normal meal after the workout.
I would eat a meal around 6 for your 8 o'clock workout. Guessing that you workout to stay trim and fit, I would not eat another meal after your workout. Rather, I would drink a yogurt smootie or something of that nature. Light, but able to replenish your bodily nutrients lost.
You can get an intense workout at home with no exercise equipment to buy and no using dangerous weight, and best of all you can get this workout in only 5-8 minutes a day.Ba Duan Jin Qigong will take you 8-10 minutes a day"The Way Of Energy" Master Lam Kam ChuenFive Rite Of Rejuvination will only take about 5 minutes to complete."The Five Tibetans" Christopher KilhamI have a resting heart rate of around 60 beats per minute. After I do this set of five exercizes, I am exhausted, and my heart rate shoots up to around 130 bpm.This will give you one heck of a workout in only 5-6 minutes!
It's always best to eat before you go, ideally an hour before. That way you have energy to complete your workout, and more energy during. It's actually been shown that you burn more calories if you eat before you work out, because you put more effort into it!
Eat at least 2 hours before working out...you want all the blood you can get to go where you want...your muscles. IF it is busy digesting food, etc., you are defeating yourself. IF you wait until after you work out, you will have a load of food laying in your stomach when you are sleeping...not a good idea. Perhap change your schedule, eat your large meal at noonish, and your "lunch" in the evening after work. Good luck
i would say a light snack before like a smaller sandwhich (like at Publix they have sliced wheat bread in the bag and go to the deli section) and that tastes really good to me with peanut butter and jelly
I would recommend an energy bar or piece of fruit before your workout, to provide you with some energy for the workout, and then a light meal after your workout. As a general rule, you should provide your body a 2 or 3 hours to digest your dinner before going to sleep. Email me if you'd like any additional info!

I work on a treadmill for 25 mins in 6 mphs n on diet.I want to reduce 5kgs within a month. Can anyone help?

I m a software eng hence cant dedicate more than 30 mins a day due to my working hours. I want to reduce my tummy very badly within a month. Had a slip disc 8 months back so cant do crunches.
Can anyone give me some valuable suggestions plzzz ??
To lose 12 pounds (5kgs) in a month while exercising only 30 minutes a day would mean you would need to bring your food intake level down to starvation levels, which would be both very unhealthy and would strongly increase the likelihood of rebounding and gaining the weight back. You would seriously have to cut back to 600-800 calories a day to lose that much in a month. I strongly suggest you don't do it.If losing weight is so important to you, can't you shift your schedule a little to allow more time to exercise? An hour a day of cardio and 2-4 hours a week of resistance training would shift - if not weight - then quite a few inches off your body in a month. Good luck!
dont eat!
I'm all agog as I want to know too.
try a abdomen belt it does the work for u
It is not safe to lose 5kg in a month (11 pounds). The recommended limit is 1-2 pounds a week max. Your first step is to set a more realistic goal, say 2kg per month over a longer period. That way you are more likely to change the behaviour causing your weight to be high. Although exercise is great, it also makes you hungry. (Swimming is especially good if you have a back problem as it is low impact and non weight bearing). Certainly be active, but it is what you are eating which needs to change.
Swap high fat food (burgers, fries, cheese, fast food generally) for lower calorie alternatives like fruit, vegetables.
Train first thing in the morning...and increase your intake of protein to that of ure body wieght.also take up masturbatiom 12 times a day and eat lots of chocolate cake to increase blood flow.
The most important factor in losing weight is eating less energy-food. Exercise has many benefits but you will probably give up due to exhaustion before you notice much weight loss. To understand this do a little investigating - look up the energy supplied (either in calories or kilojoules) on the packaging of, say, a chocolate bar or Pot Noodle and compare it to the energy used (cals or kJ) during various exercises here:
You will gain weight when the amount of energy-food (sugars, starch %26 fat) you eat exceeds the energy (calories) your body uses. When this occurs the extra energy-food is not wasted but converted into adipose tissue (body fat).
To lose weight you must use more energy (calories) than you gain from your food.
Make sure the foods you eat (over the week) make up a properly balanced diet. Do not be tempted to eat extra protein (meat, eggs, fish, etc.) since any above what your body needs at the time is converted to carbohydrate and either used as fuel (energy) or further metabolised into adipose tissue (fat).

I wonder how terribly bad this is for me. Nutritionists help!?

Can someone breakdown the calories, fat, sodium, cholesterol, etc., that one would find in a breakfast sandwhich with these ingredients:1 Croissant (standard size, buttered)
1-2 fresh eggs
3 slices of bacon, cooked on grill in it's own grease
1 slice american cheeseI am trying to figure out the nutritional value of this, as I eat it once a week for breakfast. I probably shouldn't, but I am curious nonetheless.Thanks!
Croissant - 272 Calories
Three Slices of Bacon - 130 Calories
Slice of American Cheese - 70 Calories
Not sure about the eggs.. It depends on how they're cooked. All values are approximated.
You don't need a nutritionist to tell you that is BAD for you.But-----http://www.nutritiondata.com/facts-c0000...413 calories, 28 grams of fat, 889 sodium, etc.
if it has backon in it it's bad for you
eeew you eat a Buttered Croissant? Do you know how you make a criossant? You mix dough with like 8000 lbs of butter! That's like eating bacon smeared with lard! Gross!try putting egg whites and turkey bacon directly on the croissant.much healthier (though still not great 4 u)
Unless you are trying to lose weight, forget it! Once a week should not hurt you as long as you eat healthy the rest of the week!!
You can look up calories and fat content on the internet of pretty much anything. Obviously, this isn't the healthiest breakfast in the world, but if you eat a healthy breakfast on the other six days of the week, and you're not overweight (and, of course, don't smoke), I say don't worry about it and enjoy!
That's exactly what a Bacon, Egg %26 Cheese Crossainwich at BK is.They have this listed for the nutritional info:Calories: 340
Fat: 20g (2g trans-fat)
Carbs: 26g
Protein: 15g
Sodium: 890mg
Cholesterol: 155mg
Bookmark calorielab.com and then you can look up nutritional information yourself on things that don't come with a label. And as an occasional "splurge" that b'fast isn't going to harm you (it sounds yummy) but I'd recommend making it less than once a week.Eggs are about 70 cals each, bacon about 35 cals a slice, and the cheese probably 70 or so (from memory) so that's 315 cals before you add in the bread and butter.

I wna tto lose weight?

i am 135 18 years old i had a baby last year and now i am trying to lose the weight i gained i only want to be 115 or 120 lbs i just started to do exercise last week i work a lot on my abs but i eat a all day long just snaks here and there its not really junk food anymore lol but i still eat a lot. then i eat meat and veggie at dinner i work out everyday just once do i need to work out more or do i just need to quit eating so much? any advice would help please i want to lose weight fast
You have to cut down on the snacking. With the stresses of a new baby it's difficult to prepare healthy meals all the time. First get rid of any unhealthy snacks and replace them with fruits, nuts, sliced vegetables. Eat healthier overall. Look for the GI Diet online or at a book store. Drink plenty of water. Walk as much as you can. Take the baby to the park and play. Stay active. If you have enough time to exercise then do so. Building muscle will help you lose weight fast.
Set yourself small realistic goals. 1-2 lbs a week. Hope this answer helps.
Take care,
Honestly with what you are saying there's no real way to know how much you're eating. It could be that you really aren't considered overweight either. How tall are you?You say you don't eat snacks, but is this all day eating wholesome foods like fruits and veggies?
Try eating raw fruits and vegetables in the place of all the other food you eat. I lost 20 pounds in a month and a half by eating fruit for breakfast, salad for lunch and a light dinner. No exercise what soever (my job is somewhat physical). No cokes or candy and very little beef or pork. Its not that hard and I don't consider it a diet in conventional terms, its just small changes here and there.
3500 calories in a week = 1 pound, you need to look at what you eat and how many calories your taking in. Find out your basal metabolic rate to find out how many calories you should be consuming. To lose baby fat, cardio activity will help burn those calories. You only have to do cardio 3x per week, strength train twice a week and you will lose weight in no time.
Just reduce your snacks.Most of the snacks products labelled "low carbs" or "fat free" do not contain significantly lower calories.The downside effect is that overweight people tend to consume up to 50 percent more calories when they eat the low fat or low carbs version of the snack foods.I think that's your problem. Hope it helps.

I wiegh about 170 pounds but i want to loose at least 20 pounds?

in two months before i go on my vacation..what gym do you think is that cheapest and that will help me loose weight in that short amount of time?
Well you probably don't actually need a gym to do it you can just watch what you eat like try eating 1400 calories a day and only 25 grams of fat a day and just do crunches and run at home and also it may sound cheesy but jumping rope is awesome i mean AWESOME for losing weight and toning your body it will tone your entire body and you will have amazing thighs !! -good luck!
well it would be cheapest to get off ur *** and take a walk and stay out of the kitchen
you'll lose at least 5 pounds like that
Check out this link!!
This is a fun way to loose the lbs!!Good luck!!
Cheapest would be to find an athletic sport(Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, etc) and developing a passion in the process. Which as a result, you'll find a sport you like and care for, creating a devotion to something that will also benefit your health, mentally and spiritually. Think about it. It's a win, win situation and most of the time it is practically FREE!
try"the south beach diet: go to the beach and do 20 grams of coke/speed------just kidding-----try raising the heat in a room and use a stationary cycle or stairmaster for 45 mins.twice a day.96% of exess weight is mostly water. cut your caloric food intake by 35%-----sweat it all off ,then call me 2 weeks later w/ results---you'll thank me...[ex-medic/persia... gulf]
TRY THIS cranberrey juice is your best friend, also look for things that you can eat whole wheat anything that is naturel. For the best way to get the desired look is swiming.

I went over my WeightWatchers Points. Now what?

Are you allowed to eat more than your Daily POINTS total in a day, but carry them to the next day so your still counting it?
Also i went over my points today, do you suggest just starting back tommorow?
Help, im on maintmence~!
I was a leader for two years. Forget about it!Just start tommorow like it never happened. Your fine, just make sure to get in your water and a walk tommorow.Plus, you have 35 bonus points for the week, you could count those too.
dont eat food!
You can not roll over your points, we all flub up sometimes. Just do some excercise to help burn the extra that you had today. It is not worth losing sleep over. Good thing you are so aware this will help you to stay strong for the long haul. Good Luck.
The thing to do is remember ''Fake it till you make it'' As long as you are honestly trying,do not get discouraged. Hop back with attitude and will to do your best,if you still have promblems,slow down.
don't stress, going over for one or even two days wont make much difference (unless you had McDonalds for breakfast lunch %26 dinner !!) just be good for the next couple of days %26 don't make going over your points in a big way a future habit

I weight 400 pounds no legs or arms what shoud i do?

join the army or somthing i no thell take me
Contact the Guiness Book Of Records for being the worlds heaviest slug?
stop being such a troll
Talk to whoever is helping you in life and tell them that you need help. Someone has to be there helping you prepare and eat food, so tell them not to give into you when you are asking for something.
GROW UP! Carma might come and bite you in the a-- so be careful what you say!
if you have no arms how did you type this
How about volunteer for the space program they may decide the earth needs a second moon
If you don't have any arms, how did you get on the computer?
why would the army take u if u are missing limbs (and no affence but) weigh 400 Ibs

I weight 380 pounds.and gaining.please help!!!?

I am on celexa and for some reason its causing me to have an endless pit in my stomach..i cant even walk a block or even a half a block without feeling like i was dying..can i just eat fruits and veggies and walk to lose the weight would that work? i need help. i have a 2 year old boy that needs his mom and i dont want to eat myself to death.please help!!!!!!
I suggest you start eating salads,grilled chicken are my favorite,frozen pineapple are a good snack of any fruit you like I am also tryingto lose weight I eat alot of lunch meats with no bread or wheatbread,rolled in lettuce leaves or spiniach wraps..My son is 9 and was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and I cut out all drinks that had sugar in them for everyone in the house just to avoid him getting our sugar filled drinks or drinking it in front of him since he cant have any is just mean..It will only take a minute for you to get used to it trust me!! I had to play taste tester and boy did I taste alot of diet pop and my faves are diet squirt,diet vernors,diet 7up,Diet cherry 7 up,Diet A%26W rootbeer and pepsi Jazz has a strawberries and cream one that tastes just like a pack of skittles smells(ummmmm)I also drink crystal light my faves are the tropical punch and the raspberry lemonade but they were all good(seriously)And last but not least sugar-free kool-aid!Whooo- baby!!Now I am a 27 year old young lady and when I say I LOVE KOOL-AID I am the biggest fan of it trust me,if I go a few days without it I get the shakes,no lie..I wasnt taking no generic by any means!!Well I ended up trying it and I could barely tell the difference so now I drink that,it may cost a lil more but you its worth it!!Just try to cut down on your carbs..And last but not least if you get hungry drink a big cup of your fave diet drink maybe even 2 to fill up your stomach before you eat..Sugar free jello is sooo good too.And last but not least and trust me when I say I am not trying to be funny but it may help you cuz it sure as hell helped me I put a pictur of myself in my underwear on the refridgerator and #1 that made me stay away from it to keep from seeing the picture and when I did go in it knew not to pick up the wrong thing because of what I had just saw on the door..I really hope this works for you..I know its hard but you can do it trust me and I know you will because that baby needs you..If you dont mind I have added you to my contacts so I can check on you and give you some more good advice sometimes all you need is a lil exta help and motivation..
i kno w what that feels like but try exercising in your own home like sit ups...even if you do just 5 a day and increase it and yes eat veggies and fruits that will help and no junk food
and also try walking in place at home
duct tape your mouth shut
Hi, I'm not sure what Celexa is, so I don't know if it's contributing to your hunger.
However, I can tell you that I've had terrific results on Weight Watchers. It helps me know when to stop eating. It also encourages healthy eating by requiring you to eat at least 5 fruits and/or veggies a day.You can definitely lose weight by increasing your intake of fruits and veggies. That makes me eat less of things that are higher in calories. Drink plenty of water. Do whatever exercise you can.You're right, your boy needs you! Get started, making one or 2 changes at a time so you can keep it up. As your weight goes down you'll have more energy and will be able to do more. You can do it!
I would seek some advice from your doctor. Celexa does not normally make people gain that much weight, if you said 5 or 10 pounds I would say maybe, but if it's a lot of weight, there is probably more going on. They could switch you to a different antidepressant perhaps, but that alone would not make all of the change. Your doc can run some tests (like thyroid studies, for example) to make sure there's not an underlying medical disorder causing this to happen. Your doc can also help you devise a diet plan or maybe send you to a dietician to talk about healthy ways to lose the weight. You may even eventually be a candidate for bariatric surgery. You can talk about how to start exercise safely, too.Best of luck to you!
Please talk to your doctor about the effect that Celexa is having on your appetite, and he may have recommendations for you.But to answer your question: YES, a vegan diet will help you lose weight, and yes walking will help you lose weight. Even better, try a "raw foods" diet -- only eating uncooked fruits and vegetables; it is more limiting in food choices, but you can basically eat constantly (while sticking to the food choices given) and still lose weight.
You have to want to do it and stick with it. Drink only water, you will start to crave it after a few weeks. Eat no yellow or white foods. Stay away from fast food. Limit you intake to 3/4 to 1/2 of what you use to eat. It ok to eat a sweet now and then (once a week). Try not to lose to fast, just change eating habit so it will not come back.
Oh Im so sorry, Im sure this isnt helping your depression. For sure talk to your dr., there are many different medications he can switch you to that may not have the same effect. As for the foods and exercise I could help you put together a plan designed just for you and your goals. I will even come to your house and train you if you are in my area, if not I will coach you online, over the phone and through email! Contact me at http://www.womensdietandfitness.com/bett... Carmel~ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
if u wana loose weight and become slim try detox diets .detox diets is the natural way to loose weight and it really works.
(www.detoxmedifastdiets.blogsp... )is a great website that has many detox diets recipes and tips to loose weight.open this website and there u`ll see so many links for detox diets recipes and tips ..try them and loose weight fast at home without exercising
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)

I weight 238lbs...?

What's the best way to go about losing as much weight as possible? I weight 238lbs and I'm only 4'11". I want to know what would be the best things to eat (breakfast, luch, dinner, and snack). Right now I only eat like a sandwich and noodles a day. I know that's not healthy, but that's why I'm asking for help. Or if you think you might know any sites that could help me, please list them also. Thanks... :)
First and foremost you must eat breakfast! It sounds as though your metabolism may be a bit sluggish from not eating enough - your body thinks it's in starvation mode and it's holding on to every calorie that you consume. Eat small healthy meals 4-6 times a day. Eating sandwiches and noodles isn't bad, but you have to choose the right carbs. Eat a high fiber breakfast - raisin bran is good, or buy bran flakes and add craisins and skim milk (or at least 2%). Then eat some protein mid-morning like a handful of nuts or a piece of string cheese. Then eat a big salad for lunch - stay away from iceberg lettuce - eat mixed greens, lots of fresh veggies, add some protein like grilled chicken, and go light on the dressing - try Newmans Own low-fat dressings...they are great! For dinner have brown rice grilled meat, grilled veggies. Eat only brown rice, whole wheat pasta, and 100% whole wheat bread. NO WHITE PRODUCTS! Snack on fruit, nuts, protein bars, high fiber snacks. Always be prepared: make sure you have healthy items in the fridge - turkey slices, cut up fruit, yogurt. Avoid all fried foods and "low-cal" snacks such as 100-cal packs. Those are fine if you're near your desired weight, but you have to train yourself not to have too many allowances and "snacky" foods. Remember: when you are dying for fast food or chips, ice cream - whatever your weakness is - that is your body burning fat. During the fat buring process, especially when you've messed up your metabolism, your body will try to get you to eat all those fatty/sugary foods that got you there in the first place. Your body doesn't know any other way to survive - remember it's in survival mode?! You MUST have a feeling of deprivation for a while until you retrain your thinking and taste for small healthy consistent meals. DRINK LOTS OF WATER...ALL DAY LONG...NO SODA...NO JUICE...EASY ON THE LATTES. Start walking for exercise...even if it's just for 15 minutes a day...build up to 45 minutes everyday and then do exercises with free weights 3 times a week. Jam your stereo and dance around the house for 30 mintues 3 times a week. The key here is MOVE...burn some calories. Do nice things for yourself...bubble baths, manicures, anything to prevent you from rewarding yourself with food.
I suggest since you are that much overweight you might consider visiting a Dietician and work with them on getting you on the right diet. Also you need to make sure you don't have any physically problems causing you to gain weight. It can give you a good starting point. I don't suggest any quick losing weight programs. They just aren't healthy. Drinking a lot of water, fresh fruit and veggies are good, lo cal items like lowfat yogurts, low calorie snacks if you feel the need to have a little something sweet. I wish you the best. Definately visit the doctor first and make sure all your tests turn out before starting on any regimine.
"Right now I only eat like a sandwich and noodles a day"
there's your problem right there. silly as this sounds, your not getting enough calories. you should get at LEAST 1,300 calories in each day. any lower your metabolism slows down and u can lose the weight. eats as much fresh foods "fruits and veggies" eat very little take out. drink 2 FULL glasses of water b4 you eat, wait 15 min be4 u get seconds. it take that long for the brain to register your full. PAY ATTENTION TO THE NUTRITIONAL FACTS ON THE SIDE!!Get outside
bike more than running *its better on your joints, swimming is the best*
go to the gymand follow the basic ruleexpend more calories than u eat
Breakfast-Oatmeal, dry toast, skim milk, banana water(Always)
Lunch- Salads with lite dressing, fruit and vegetables and water(always) Yogurt whole wheat breads
Dinner- baked or broiled meats, vegetalbes water and for deserts friuts.
another thing I'm going through the same thing and most of all try not to eat after 6pm if you get hungry eat some friuts
walking is so good to start you off first
don't try to over do it
Girl we can do this I'm 180 and 5'1 so I need to loose weight
You should really go to nutritionist to get a diet assessment. By not consuming enough energy (Carbs and protein) your body has nothing to use to burn fat. A nutritionist along with your doctor should be able to help you come up with a caloric intake amount that is personalized to fit your needs. You will probably need to cut out most of your fats and junk foods. I would also recommend exersizing vigorously for about 60 minutes a day. I know that for a woman with a medium frame, a normal weight is 100 lbs for the first five feet, and five lbs for each additional foot. (ex. if you were 5'4 ideally you should weigh about 120 lbs) You can tell what your frame is by measuring your wrist with your hand. If your fingers over lap- small frame, if they meet, medium frame, and if they dont meet, you have a large frame (meaning that you should add 10% onto that 100 lbs) You have a lot of weight to loose, but remember it takes time. Rapid weight loss only results in weight gain shortly after. A pound, or two at the most is all tht you should loose PER WEEK. You need to make a lot of permenant changes in your life style.
Good luck!
Hi Lisha,First, you have to exercise. Even if it's a 45 minute walk around your neighborhood in the morning.Second, you have to fuel your body with enough good foods to keep your metabolism up: a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and whole grains.
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
Many people ask me how they can slim down. I recommend that people eat right and exercise. However, if they would like a little "help", I suggest using natural Hoodia (it's important to note that not all Hoodia works well, even if the bottle says "pure" or "standard").The Hoodia sold at http://www.2youl.info/free-diet-pills.ph... is in my opinion the best Hoodia on the market. It's pure, has no side effects, and they give you a free sample bottle (there is a $6.95 shipping and handling charge).
Fantastic results have been seen with this particular Hoodia.

I weighed 177.5 pounds. I lost 5 pounds. What percentage of my body weight did i lose?

Cooker is right. with 2.8% being the percentage value. Divide 177.5 into 5 5/177.5 = 0.028169 = 2.8%
Hi,I've tried so many different diets in the last 10 years that I can say now, they don't work!
A few months ago, I came across a great product for weight loss and like many others I was skeptical about it. But I really wanted to lose weight and I tried it. The results were excellent and I lost 20 pounds in 2 months. I felt fantastic and I dropped another 5 pounds safely. That's why I recommend you check this product at http://www.get2itnow.info where they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling.
Good luck!
Hi,I've tried so many different diets in the last 10 years that I can say now, they don't work!
A few months ago, I came across a great product for weight loss and like many others I was skeptical about it. But I really wanted to lose weight and I tried it. The results were excellent and I lost 20 pounds in 2 months. I felt fantastic and I dropped another 5 pounds safely. That's why I recommend you check this product at
http://www.freelstore.info where they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling.
Good luck!

I Weigh 75kg and bench 102.5kg max is this good? for my age at 17yrs?

Lol how can any 1 say 75kg is too much for you age . it all to do with your hieght . im only 16 and im 71 kg but im 6ft tall and that is normal . 102kg is very impressive but i would only do 80kg max if i was you.
Actually no thats not good... at ur age u shpuld weigh atleast 48kgs or 50. 75 is too much for ur age.. I am 24 and i weigh 75, but i should b 50 too, cuz im a bit short
i think you are bench pressing too much man probably when you get bigger you should lift that much but if you weight 75kg you should step off and only lift like probably the same as u weight MAX I'VE BEEN BENCH PRESSING FOR A WILE so i think i know what I'm talking about

I weigh 450lbs. I just stood up and a tuna sandwich popped out of a roll of my fat. Should I eat it?

Not sure how long it's been there.
I wouldn't eat fish that hasn't been refrigerated so no, no don't eat it.
I think thats is very gross,are you serious??
Hmmm...I don't know the tuna maybe expired, try searching for a candy bar, or something less likely to have a fast expiration. Good luck!!
Hells yeah. You fat Bastid.
Yeah eat it. It's marinated..lol
sure, what could it hurt
sure go ahead i hear people eat tuna fish when there on a diet..
Throw it away and go on a diet!
i dont think you should, but with you weighing 450lbs. im pretty sure you'll eat anything!!
I dont even know why this is a question, why wouldnt you?
That's GROSS!
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... don't eat it! or you'll die!!!!!!!!!...

I weigh 400 pounds do you think i can join the marines?

would the marines take me if i weight 400 pounds and promised to lose the weight after in
No, you have to meet their requirements before you are accepted. You need to speak with a recruiter and see what you can do to become a Marine.
not unless you are also 7'10" tall. None of the armed forces will touch you until you lose the weight.
Are you being fecetious?
I think not, but the only one who'd know for sure is a Marine Corps recruiter.Good luck, though.
If you are 12 feet tall they will. They have height and weight requirements in all branches of the service. Drop the lbs and they will sign you right up.
No. You have to be at a healthy weight for your height to join the military. 400lbs isn't a good weight for anyone unless you just happen to be 8ft tall. Go to a nutritionist.

I weigh 305 pounds. If I don't loose weight or even if I gain more weight, what can I expect?

You can expect a shorter life expectancy plagued by medical problems such as diabetes, heart disease, fatigue and painful wearing down of the joints.The options are to lose weight or die painfully.
To buy bigger pants. .
It depends. All you tall? Are you built or fat? How old are you?
high blood pressure which can lead to heart attack or stroke. diabetes which can lead to loss of vision or a limb. trouble breathing, trouble getting around, even in the house. cancer is linked to high amounts of belly fat.
Cut most sugar from your diet except for natural sugars from fruit, no regular soda (diet soda is ok in limited amounts of course) absolutely no fast food, no white bread or any white flour, only whole 100% grains, plenty of water, lots of vegetables, a good quality multi-vitamin supplement. Also, do 30-60 minutes of cardio 6 days a week. This is how I lost 50 lbs. I used to be a size 13/14 and now I'm a size 3/4. I promise this will work for you.
U know good what will happen .
you will become impotence in sex if you don't loose weight plus hypertension..if you have bad habits it will also have bad signs and symptoms that will lead another sickness.
Expect some health issues. You are more prone to diabetes and heart disease.
You will develop cardio-vascular disease if you haven't already along with diabetes kidney and spleen trouble, and various other conditions including respiratory illness.
This is relative to how tall you are, how active you are, and how healthy you are. If you are over weight, you can expect problems with everything from health to getting a job. As you age, most likely you will be less active and gain more weight. It will also shorten your lifespan. Diabetes is a serious problem in the United States. Check with your doctor and start controlling your weight.

I weigh 185 & get little exercise. What should my caloric intake be?

Some walking, gardening %26 yard work %26 physical theropy w/ resistance bands. Caloric intake between 1100 %26 1350 per day.
You're under eating a little. Step it up to 1400 calories per day and eat it over six small meals rather than three large ones.That's assuming an age of 30 and a height of 5'4". If that isn't right, type in the numbers yourself at the site below.http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie...
Well, I can't really tell you unless I know how tall you are.
800 cal/day
1200 constant caloric content.
I was the same weight An I was doing a program called calorie king I was only spos to have 1200 Cal's a day I lost 25 lb in 4 months. it goes by your age and hight to I am 25 and 5'4.
if you want to lose that much weight you're going to need to exercise not just cut calories - 800 calories is totally wrong, your body can't sustain regular functions without 1000 a day
Don't even worry about counting calories. That can be very difficult. Try to eat between 20 and 30 grams of fat a day. Look at the food labels carefully to see which items contain less fat. And always buy non fat and low fat. Drink at least a gallon of water a day (very important also for losing weight). Walking, gardening and yard work is exercise. People that don't workout a lot are usually like that because they lack the energy (not motivation). So also look into your energy level and how is your sleep? Do you wake up feeling refreshed? If not research sleep apnea. And make sure you are not Anemic which would also cause you to feel tired easily. Good luck with your weight loss!
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)

I weigh 170, young adult. i will work out for one day.then never again i need help with working out,dieting?

make your work outs interesting, try doing it with a friend or family member, put on fun music.
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
Check out Bodybuilding.com
I also weigh 170, older adult. Let me know if you get a good answer to this question - I have the same problem with motivation. My brain knows all the facts, but ..
I started taking nutrition classes, which really helped me on my eating. Just knowing how the foods can work with or against your body can really help. I am more conscious with how and what I eat now. Try taking a class or meeting with a nutritionist. Now that I understand how it works it is not as hard. It is a lifestyle change, not a diet. Diets can fail and they end, then you are back to your original habits. For exercising, just go.
I bought good cross-training shoes, joined a gym, and started taking classes. I am really busy, so I found classes on certain days that fit into my schedule and put them in my day planner... I treat it just like another meeting. On days that I can't make a class, I do weights. It is really hard if you are not used to it, just don't let your butt hit the couch, put on your tennis shoes and go to your meeting! When you are there, just remember that you are doing this for yourself and you deserve to look and feel great. Every time I leave the gym I am so proud of myself! Good Luck!
check out the site www.calorie-count.com...you can track what you eat, and how much exercise you get, as well as how many calories you burn from normal activities.There are also tools to help calculate your target weight, how many calories you should consume per day to reach your goal, and how long it will take.Best of all, the site is FREE! I've been using it for a month now and I love it!Good luck ;)

I weigh 168 pounds and I want to lose 30 pounds before August. Is that possible?? how?? please help?

That is a lot of weight to lose in 3 months, what about 10lbs a month? Safe weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week, so you may come close. What you should do is aim for healthy diet and constant exercise, you may not lose as much weight as your are hoping, but you may reduce your size - remember once you start working out you will also gain muscle, and muscle weighs much more than fat, but it also takes up a lot less space, so you will look leaner, but not necessarily have lost as many pounds on the scale!
10-15 = MAYBE
Your only supposed to be losing at most 2 pounds per week. From here till august is about 11 weeks away, 11 x 2 = 22 lbs, if you really really want it badly then its possible. Try cutting out all the junk food, fast food, fried food, soda etc, and start doing about 30 minutes of high intensity cardio everyday.
Depends. It is recommended that you lose no more than 2 lbs per week. That is a safe weight loss and you will more likely keep it off. I don't know if your overweight or not but www.dietitian.com/overweig.htm... has alot of good information. Lots of Q %26 A about calories, what and how to eat, what good and bad, etc. Really informative.
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
No. Not unless you want to try and *starve* yourself to death?Losing 30 pounds by August isn't going to happen. It'll happen--GIVEN TIME--but it won't happen in the time-frame you want.You can start by reducing what you eat in small amounts--cutting out things here and there which you think is causing the weight gain problem.But remember: Weight loss is a tricky thing. Your body functions like a well-oiled machine. You cut out what makes it tick, you're not going to accomplish your goals.Sugars are mostly the culprit in your weight gain. Cut out the junkfood binge if you can. Dark chocolate is a great thing to eat--no matter what. But off the majority of the doughnuts, the pasteries, and the chocolate bars you ingest.Cut out soda entirely--as that adds 15 pounds to your weight per year. You can DRINK it still, but drink it sparingly.Also cut out eating out at fast-food joints. When you have to go, eat LIGHT if you can. Skip out on the most salt-laden, fat-choking items on the menu.Diet supplements are crap. You'd be wasting your money trying to go for that "quick fix" at any rate. Don't do it.Anyone who says that the problems are in the meat, bread, and milk we eat and drink--isn't that well-educated. Those things are what keeps us going. Man wasn't made to eat tofu and drink organic soy milk for the rest of their life. :0(
To lose 30 lbs by August means that you would have to use diet supplements. That is the only thing that is proven to be safe and effective within your time frame. Or I should say certain diet pills are proven to be safe and effective in your time frame. If you want, try working out as much as you can however if you want to lose that much weight check out Proactol:http://track.lativio.com/hit.php?w=10941...If you don't shed the pounds, you can get your money back and they will give you a settlement. So at least if by august you don't lose weight, you'll get paid!
30lbs seems a little unrealistic in 3 months. If you are overweight, then it will be possible to drop a large amount of weight within the first 2-3 months, as most is water weight. That is IF YOU go on a disciplined routine of exercise and sensible eating. You'll need to change your eating patterns in the long run in order to sustain the weight loss. Forget the crash diet - you'll just bloat up fatter thatn before. If you're serious about weight loss, then youneed to commit to a lifestlye change.EXERCISE:
You'd need to work out 4-5 times a week for an 1.5 hours or so each time - cardio is crucial for burning calories and dropping fat, so is weight training,which is essential for toning, otherwise you'll just have loose skin where the fat used to be. Go to a gym and get propr advise, otherwise you'll likely risk injury, especially if you'e not in shape.EATING - i have no idea what your habits are like but most important to losing/controlling weight is calories consumption. Find out how much a person of your weight/height/gender should be consuming. The Mayo Clinic website is very useful. You should start educating yourself on foods and eating healthy, portion size etc.In general LAY OFF these things:
- processed foods - anything tinned, frozen, packaged
- NO fastfood
- NO fried or sugary foods
- Eat lots of fresh produce like veggies, fruits, wholegrains,
-Eat 5-6 small meals a day instead of 3 large ones.
- No eating after 8pm
-Grill, boil, roast, stew foods, instead of frying.
- Use natural good oils like sunflower, olive, canola The more you know about nutrition and food, the better equipped you'll be to eat sensibly. The one thing that'llmake sure you stay on track is MODERATION. Starving yourself doesn't equate with weight loss, and causesserious health problems. It's not rocket science, just be focused on what you want to look like in 3 months time. Good luck!
You can loose a pound a day.Try cutting foods with High fructose corn syrup in them. Cut fast foods. Cut Dairy Milk. Cut beef, chicken and pork. try to cut carbs, Rice bread, spaghetti..Write down what and when you eat. I start out making my meals 4 hours apart and then 4 1/2 and the 5.In the mourning Drink green tea with your breakfast, don't use egg yolks, toast your bread as dark as you can handle it. Use soy milk, try the SILK brand, very vanilla flavor. Every other day I drink a fruit smoothie for breakfast instead of cooked food. 1 banana, half cup frozen mixed fruit ( I buy it at walmart), a little cinnamon, a little nutmeg, and add soy milk to the right thickness, I also through a hand full of different types of cereal in, Blend it all up and drink it down. For lunch fruits or salad. For dinner, I try to eat lots of veggies and fish.Lastly, exercise, walk, run, skip, ride or play a sport, just do something to burn energy, but try to do it about and hour before its time to eat, that way when you're done you're not breaking you schedule snacking.
Last thing I forgot, increase sugar for energy so you don't crave carbs.
It's hard but possible. But don't overstrain yourself, to lose that much is tough. You might like to take a look at the program I have used last year to lose 30kg. If it doesn't work for you, just ask for a refund from them.Hope this helps
You should always speak with your Dr. before starting any diet. I lost weight and have maintained my weight. I drink only water and nothing else. I often will drink a flavored water considering I do not always like just plain water so that's an option too. I watch my sugar intake. I have chosen to eat lots of vegetables and some fruits while limiting my carbs and meat intake. I also have an exercise regimen. Your Dr. can probably tell you what is best for you and how much weight you can expect to lose. Weight loss is different for everyone and also depends on how overweight a person is. I averaged about 5 to 7 pounds of loss a week at first and then it would go down to 2 to 3 pounds. Weighing only 168 pounds your weight loss will not be drastic in numbers in a short period of time but could be a great deal before August. I wish you the best on reaching your goal as I know this is very hard and takes tremendous will power but you can do it :o) Good Luck!
Dear Friend,
You will attain your objective easily. You will be satisfied by simple ways. You will lead a happy life without any trouble. You need not worry about . It is easy to follow proper weight, proper diet., proper exercises etc.,Please check the following websitehttp://winyourweight.com/
This program is excellent. It will give you the results you want. I lost 21 lbs so far in 3 weeks. 176 pounds to 159 pounds. Went from size 16 to 12. www.bellaviadiet.comBest Wishes

I weigh 165 and my goal is 135?

I work out 500 cal a day from the treadmill and eat healthy foods everyday, so when should I see the 135 on the scale? It seems like its taking forever for the pounds to shed
i think you are undereating.
dont count calories burned since there is no way you could know it precisely - count time doing cardio.
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
How many calories do you consume a day? Its impossible to answer without more information.
I really cant answer that for you because everybody is different..but I had similar goals and it took me about 3 months to achieve my goal...but I followed thru strictly with my diet and excercise. you might already do this...but a lil tip read throughly the nutrinional facts label on food...sometimes what you may think is healthy is not
Basically, you need to reduce your calorie intake every week or work out more every week to get rid of more calories to get the results your looking for. Go to mypyramid.gov; it has a lot of valid info that can help you. You can see how many calories you need to eat to maintain your weight or lose weight and how much you need to exercise. It's worth exploring! I love it.
It is unhealthy to eat less than 1000 calories per day, your body is not getting enough calories to be properly nourished.A healthy amount of weight to lose is no more than 1 to 2 pounds per week.As far as your goal weight, your own individual healthy weight depends on your height and frame size. Look up "healthy weight caculators" online, there are a bunch of them. Try a few to get an idea of how much you should weigh. Sometimes when people are doing everything right and can't lose, it's because they are already at or near a healthy weight for their body.Here is a good calculator:http://www.healthcentral.com/diet-exerci...

I weigh 162. How many Weight Watchers points am I allowed?

the new program is a calculation now - so you can figure it out for yourself!!male - 8 pts
female - 2 ptsage:
17-26 - 4 pts
27-37 - 3 pts
38-47 - 2 pts
48-58 - 1 pt
over 58 - 0 ptsuse the first 2 digits of your weight - for example - if you weigh 175 then use 17 ptsif you spend most of your day:
sitting down - 0 pts
occasionaly sitting but mostly standing - 1 pt
walking most of the time - 2 pts
doing physical work most of the time - 3 ptsadd all your numbers up and you get your daily points allowance! :)you also get an additional 35 points to use through out the week however you want - you can use them all at once or spread them out over the week :)~fb
I like pina colodas and getting caught in the rain.
probably around 22... we need to know your height and age.
You would go there and pay your weekly fee. You get both point tracker and booklet for list of food points

I weigh 155 pounds as a freshman in high school. Is that normal? What can I do to lose weight?

find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried - no junk food.
exercise 3-5 days a week
6 glasses of water a day
No Juice, No Pop
Milk is ok; but drink 1% or no fat/skim
No Pizza, No chips, no fast food
Eat from all food groups, but in moderation
Put all your meals on a small plate instead of a large one, you will cut down on calories this way.If you need to snack at night try popcorn (lower in calories than chips) or try fruit.
----------------------It really depends on your height to know if you are overweight.
You'd have to be taller than 5'7'' to not be considered overweight. You can calculate your bmi here to find a correct weight for your height:
it depends on how tall you are if your short then yea ur over weight, just watch what you eat and exercise
It depends how tall you are, your metabolism, and your bone size(like petite, medium, and large) those are things you cant help. But if you really wanted to lose weight I would run!

I weigh 136 and I am 5' 3". I would like to lose about 15-20 lbs before june. How Do I do this appropriately?

Losing 20 lbs within 1 1/2 months.
Always Think Fit:First step in exercise is to always Think FIT. To make physical improvements, you need to work your body harder than usual. This is referred to as the overload principle. As your body becomes more conditioned, you need to increase the frequency, intensity, or time of your workouts in order to continue improving your fitness levelChoosing an Exercise:
The best exercise is an activity that you enjoy enough to really pursue enthusiastically.
鈥ndoor (Facility) Activities: If the treadmill, stairmaster, rowing machine or stationery cycle doesn't excite you, sample some group activities that strike your fancy. Participate in a group cycling class, beat stress with yoga, find balance with martial arts, stay cool with indoor swimming, or kick some you-know-what with boxaerobics.1. Change your eating habits (i.e. start eating smaller portions of food) before if you ate a full plate of food try eating 2/3 of a plate instead.
o Substitute aspartame for sugar
o Try eating 3 or 4 smaller meals during the day rather than 2 large ones
o Eat your main large meal at midday with the other meals much smaller in content
o Don't eat heavy meals late in the evening as the body wont have time to digest it so it ends up stored as fat in your body.
o Balance your meals out during the day so in one day you have a mix of protein, carbohydrate and vitamins
o Drink lots of water during the day and before, during and after exercise, you should drink at least 8 big glasses of water per 24 hours
o Drink alcohol in moderation
o Stop smoking if you smoke or cut down
o Eat more fibre i.e. pulses grains nuts, pasta, brown rice, cereals, fresh fruit
o Eat more vegetables as part of your diet
o Eat less dairy products or choose those with less fat content i.e. cottage cheese
o Try steaming or poaching food instead of frying it, frying adds calories by the bucketful
o Cut down on Red meat and eat more lean or better still chicken and fish instead
o Use low fat oils in cooking i.e. sunflower, corn or Mazola
o Cut down on your salt intake, there are hidden salts even in tinned foods
o Try substituting carrots or fresh fruit instead of biscuits and sweetmeat when you have a craving for something in between meals.
o Drink semi or skimmed milk as opposed to full cream
Simply choose a diet which is low in fat and cholesterol, moderate in sugar and salt and high in fibre but at the same time has a variety of everything thus making it a balanced diet.Calculate your BMR!!
BMR means Basal Metabolic Rate.It is used to estimate how many calories you should consume.By using a simple formula called the Harris-Benedict principle, you can assess your BMR.
Your BMR is the amount of energy your body needs to function.Then, to lose weight, you'll need to cut calories or burn extra calories and shoot for a level lower than the results you get with this formula.
We use about 60 percent of the calories we consume each day for basic bodily functions such as breathing.Other factors that influence your BMR are height, weight, age and sex.
Step One : Calculate your BMR with the following formula:
鈥omen: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)
鈥en: BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)
Step two : In order to incorporate activity into your daily caloric needs, do the following calculation:
鈥f you are sedentary : BMR x 1.2
鈥f you are lightly active: BMR x 1.375
鈥f you are moderately active (You exercise most days a week.): BMR x 1.55
鈥f you are very active (You exercise daily.): BMR x 1.725
鈥f you are extra active (You do hard labor or are in athletic training.): BMR x 1.9
Create a Calorie Deficit:
In order to lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit. It is easier and healthier to cut back your calorie intake a little bit at a time.
Every 3,500 calories is equivalent to 1 pound.
If you cut back 500 calories a day, you will lose 1 pound per week.
If you exercise to burn off 500 calories a day you will also lose 1 pound per week.
Ideally, you should do a combination of both, (e.g. cut back 250 calories; burn an extra 250 calories).
For more useful information go to
read the following articleshttp://informationquest.blogspot.com/200...
dont stop. do lots of good hard complete workouts and don't stop. put as much effort into it.
first of all 15-20 is a lot!
do a lot of cardio. not a lot of surgar and carbs. eat 3 healthy meals and eat fruit or vegie snacks
To lose weight you need to boost your metabolism, so instead of three large meals a day you need to eat 4-5 small meals. The constant intake of food allows for your body to continuously work to burning the calories you take in. Also cardio is great but mix it with some light weight training to tone at the same time. One last note, 20 pounds is a lot to lose in one and a half months so dont get discouraged if you dont accomplish this goal. Maybe start with a smaller goal like five in the next three weeks. Once you reach that or surpass then set the next small goal. Too often in workout regimens people set outrageous goals and when they fail it completely discourages them from continuing. Good Luck and hang in there :o)
Do a moderate fat diet. No more than 30 grams of fat a day. 6 small meals..(3 meals 3 snacks) Up your physical exercise.. It dosen't have to be fancy Walking works great.
If this is too vague look at the book Body for Life, %26 Body for life for Women both are super basic guide lines to getting to an ideal body.
lots of luck.

I weigh 135 pounds! How can I lose 30 pounds without getting loose skin?

By working out as you lose weight and using moisturizers on the skin to help tighten it up/remove wrinkles.
How tall are you? THirty pds may be too much to lose. See a Dr.
how about asking this question instead:
how can i learn to be happy with myself as i am, because 135 lbs is NOTHING
You are already thin. Stop this! 135 lbs is beautiful. Men don't like skinny girls. Most men like a girl with a bit of flab on her. You don't see videoho's in music videos weighing 90 lbs. Women are in for a huge surprise if they think men like a scrawny anorexic girl. Men prefer a girl with a some baby fat over anorexic girls. You might find the odd guy who likes a bony disgusting flat chested boy-like woman, but most don't like that! You are perfect at the weight you are! At most lose 5 lbs. No more than that! You are crazy if you think you need to lose. Maybe if you are 3 ft tall and 135 lbs youshould lose 30 lbs. But if you are normal height or over 4 foot 8, you shouldnt weight less than 120 lbs
I lost 30lbs and I don't have any loose skin. don't worry about is...you should be okay too.
Why on earth do you want to lose that much weight?
you won't. people who get loose skin after losing weight typically lose around 100-200 pounds even more
There is no reason for you to lose that much weight. I don't know the numbers off the top of my head, but you're healthy weighing that much at your height. If anything, and you really want to lose weight, I'd say 5 pounds, or 10 max, but no more. I'm sure you have a reason for wanting to lose this weight, and I hope it's not to become more attractive for a guy. It's not worth it. You want to be healthy looking, not sickly. I have 4 brothers (all in the dating age frame), and all 4 tell me that they like girls with a little meat on them. One even says he doesn't care what the girl looks like, and he honestly doesn't. But the other three are a bit pickier. They don't want a cow as they put it, but they don't want a skeleton either. You sound perfect. Don't change that unless you have a good reason to do so, and to please a guy is not a good reason. I myself weighed 150 lbs. at the start of the new year, and I'm 5'4". That was a bit overweight for my height. So I started exercising a little, and I'm down to 140lbs. I've yet to see loose skin. If anything, it tightened. I don't care if I lose any more weight, but I am working on toning my thighs and midsection some more to be fully satisfied.If you really want to lose that much weight, your goal shouldn't be to weight 105 lbs, but it should be to look healthy and toned. That's such a sexy look in my opinion. Don't let a number define you. But to answer your question, I doubt you'd get loose skin if you lost it in moderation. If you lose it too quickly, loose skin is a possibility because you didn't give yourself time to tone your body. Good luck with whatever you decide :)
Always Think Fit:First step in exercise is to always Think FIT. To make physical improvements, you need to work your body harder than usual. This is referred to as the overload principle. As your body becomes more conditioned, you need to increase the frequency, intensity, or time of your workouts in order to continue improving your fitness levelChoosing an Exercise:
The best exercise is an activity that you enjoy enough to really pursue enthusiastically.
鈥ndoor (Facility) Activities: If the treadmill, stairmaster, rowing machine or stationery cycle doesn't excite you, sample some group activities that strike your fancy. Participate in a group cycling class, beat stress with yoga, find balance with martial arts, stay cool with indoor swimming, or kick some you-know-what with boxaerobics.1. Change your eating habits (i.e. start eating smaller portions of food) before if you ate a full plate of food try eating 2/3 of a plate instead.
o Substitute aspartame for sugar
o Try eating 3 or 4 smaller meals during the day rather than 2 large ones
o Eat your main large meal at midday with the other meals much smaller in content
o Don't eat heavy meals late in the evening as the body wont have time to digest it so it ends up stored as fat in your body.
o Balance your meals out during the day so in one day you have a mix of protein, carbohydrate and vitamins
o Drink lots of water during the day and before, during and after exercise, you should drink at least 8 big glasses of water per 24 hours
o Drink alcohol in moderation
o Stop smoking if you smoke or cut down
o Eat more fibre i.e. pulses grains nuts, pasta, brown rice, cereals, fresh fruit
o Eat more vegetables as part of your diet
o Eat less dairy products or choose those with less fat content i.e. cottage cheese
o Try steaming or poaching food instead of frying it, frying adds calories by the bucketful
o Cut down on Red meat and eat more lean or better still chicken and fish instead
o Use low fat oils in cooking i.e. sunflower, corn or Mazola
o Cut down on your salt intake, there are hidden salts even in tinned foods
o Try substituting carrots or fresh fruit instead of biscuits and sweetmeat when you have a craving for something in between meals.
o Drink semi or skimmed milk as opposed to full cream
Simply choose a diet which is low in fat and cholesterol, moderate in sugar and salt and high in fibre but at the same time has a variety of everything thus making it a balanced diet.Calculate your BMR!!
BMR means Basal Metabolic Rate.It is used to estimate how many calories you should consume.By using a simple formula called the Harris-Benedict principle, you can assess your BMR.
Your BMR is the amount of energy your body needs to function.Then, to lose weight, you'll need to cut calories or burn extra calories and shoot for a level lower than the results you get with this formula.
We use about 60 percent of the calories we consume each day for basic bodily functions such as breathing.Other factors that influence your BMR are height, weight, age and sex.
Step One : Calculate your BMR with the following formula:
鈥omen: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)
鈥en: BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)
Step two : In order to incorporate activity into your daily caloric needs, do the following calculation:
鈥f you are sedentary : BMR x 1.2
鈥f you are lightly active: BMR x 1.375
鈥f you are moderately active (You exercise most days a week.): BMR x 1.55
鈥f you are very active (You exercise daily.): BMR x 1.725
鈥f you are extra active (You do hard labor or are in athletic training.): BMR x 1.9
Create a Calorie Deficit:
In order to lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit. It is easier and healthier to cut back your calorie intake a little bit at a time.
Every 3,500 calories is equivalent to 1 pound.
If you cut back 500 calories a day, you will lose 1 pound per week.
If you exercise to burn off 500 calories a day you will also lose 1 pound per week.
Ideally, you should do a combination of both, (e.g. cut back 250 calories; burn an extra 250 calories).
For more useful information go to
read the following articleshttp://informationquest.blogspot.com/200...
stay the way you are @5'2 135 is not all that bad stay out of full lentgh mirros until you can be happy with the way you look and if other people dont like the way you look well then they are probably jelleous of how you look and want you to feel bad about yourself
Baby - not to sound redundant of others - but you really DON'T need to lose 30 lbs. For your height, that is too small. Your body needs sufficient flesh and fat, to hold and protect your structure.
Also, muscle weighs more than fat - so don't focus so much on the #'s. What you want to check, are these things:1. Does my doctor consider my weight healthy?
2. Do I really need to lose, or just tone%26tighten?
3. Is my weight PROPORTIONATE?...and adjust accordingly. I would say that you may want to emphasize strength/weight training, rather than cardio. Most likely (from a perfectionist's view - for you don't need to change anything, from what I've seen of you) you just need to build a little muscle, to firm up. There's a difference between the need to tone muscle, and the need to lose fat; both can make one appear to need some work.All that said - for 30 lbs, you won't get loose skin. However, its not merely the amount that counts. If you lose weight TOO FAST - THAT is what catalyzes loose skin. See, your skin is "adjustable" within limits. It is elastic, and can stretch to a degree. It can also return to normal. But this takes time, and is a more gradual process. If you drop too much weight, too quickly, your skin lags behind in catching up. This is how you get loose skin. Most people wouldn't dream of waiting it out (and depending on the severity, it may not return completely) - so they have surgery to remove it. I say this to satisfy your understanding of this issue - not because you'll have to worry about it. Take care of yourself, baby - and appreciate the body and beauty that God gave you. Aim for health first - cosmetic beauty, last. You do that - and not only will you not have to worry...but then, neither will I. :)
It depends on your age. I used to weigh around 140 when I was 16 and went down to 114. I'm 5ft (19 years old now). B/c I'm young, I have no extra loose skin. If you're in your thirties or have already had children OR you have a major amount to lose, it is possible you will get loose skin. But, you only have 30 pounds, you should be fine.

I weigh 128lbs and i am 31 years old. i have 4 kids. i need to tighten up my stomach and buttocks and my legs.

any suggestions workouts or yoga pilates whatever it takes. i always had a weight problem i never weighed enough i was always been a skinny boney person. but now since i had kids my stomach sags even when i weighed 112lbs. i hated it. and my breast are the worst when i lay down its like they are gone. i dont want to go and get surgery i rather use workouts and tone up myself. i am occassionally running around taking care of my 4 kids. and my family i am a housewife and i am already active. please help me because i feel very insecure!
I hate to tell you this, honey, but there is no way without surgery that you can make stretched out skin go away... none, zero. If your breasts look like a baseball in a sock, you need a breast lift. The ligament that held them up when you were young, (Called the Cooper's ligament) is gone. It is as if you blew up a balloon and left it that way, then deflated it. Can it ever look like it did once? NOPE. I won't tell you lies... neither will your doc.

I weigh 124 pounds, I'm 5'8", and 15, i feel really fat... am i??

i am 14, also 5"8" and 147 pounds. im not skinny but i am not fat and you are skinnier than me!
honey u are underweight!!...try to gain some weight!
that is about right , and you don't always need to be skinny and tall,that is just a stereo type.
Absolutely not your not fat whatso ever! You need more bone mass at your age to gain weight. People would think either your starving yourself and is jealous! If I was you I would be getting more bone structure by eating more healthy foods or just eating more even if im full or not.
wait till you 40 still 5'8" more than 200 pounds ( female/male)
Your crazy if you think your fat!! Are you kidding me! You are absolutely gorgeous and perfect weight! I am 5'3 and I am 126 lbs, and i don't see anything fat about me! Your perfect, don't even think about trying to lose weight ;)

I weigh 113 pounds and people haven't been making fun of me and i thought that it was sarcasm so i started..

starving myself and now when i eat i cant keep anything down should i be worried??? oh and i was pregnant but i lost it 2 days ago my step dad stabbed me in the stomach.
I call BullSh!t! One week ago you wrote a question stating that your father died, now two days ago he stabs you in your pregnant belly!... Find something constructive to do with your life.
Why would anyone make fun of you if you weigh 113 pounds? You should talk to your school guidance counselor about these problems, and get some help.
Thanks for the two points. Why you bother with these questions is beyond me.
um yeah if you and your baby got stabbed you would still be in the hospital or in bed
get some help
Your step dad should be in jail, you should be in the hospital and in rehab...Not funny =|
Seriously, get off the crack.Crack kills.
I agree with the crack comment.Get off the crack.

I weigh 100 lbs and I am 5'6" ?

I think I am "normal" weight.is this normal? Or am I getting a distorted image of myself?
Normal is 130 give or take 10lbs for your height.PS I'm super amused that someone went straight through all of my responses giving me exactly 1 thumbs down. EVERY SINGLE ONE... Even if no others have any thumbs up or thumbs down. Unfortuntely for you, I either know or research every answer before I give it... so if anything, you are providing a great disservice to YA.
well i think you should gain at least 10 pounds it may be a little to skinny
yeah, if anything youre skinnier than normal
The normal BMI for a person of your height is 18.5-24.9Your BMI is 16.1. so you are underweight.
I think you are underweight, I'm not trying to put you down or anything but 100 pounds is not enough for your height. Go to this site and put in your height and weight and it will tell you if you are under or over weight or just right.
to thin.
if you eat well and feel good about yourself you are ok. 100lb. is a bit underweight though. if you are really conserned go to the doctor and get checked out.
I'm 5'8 and 108. I am NOT anorexic or bulimic. My whole life I've just been this way. If you are this way naturally and take good care of yourself and eat healthy then I think you're perfectly fine. I think a lot of people have a hard time accepting that some people are just naturally thin and are quick to pass judgment on others by instantly assuming someone must have an eating disorder. Eating disorders do exist. I hope you are just this way naturally.
I am 5'7" and weighed most of my life106lbs. Looking back I was VERY skinny. My bones stuck out all over the place. And to think I thought I was fat!! YUCK! Back then I had no eating disorder and ate whatever I want to. Unfortunately today I have binge eating disorder and weigh 200lbs and now that I am close to 40 am finding it VERY hard to lose weight. You are underweight based on your height, but if you are eating right and not starving yourself and feel healthy, then that is just your body. What does your doctor say?
You're a bit on the thin side. My wife is 5'0 and 105lbs. She looks damn good. If you're 5'6 you should weigh somewhere in the neighborhood of 135 to 150 depending on what kind of build you have. Don't worry so much about numbers. Focus more on being FIT. If you exercise right, eat right, and get enough rest you will be just fine, look just fine, and let nature take care of the rest. In all honesty, being attractive has more to do with being fit and happy than what the scale tells you in the morning.
Even if you're naturally slender, 100 pounds at 5'6" is just too thin. The ideal weight for a 5'6" woman is 130 pounds. Try weight training to give yourself muscle tone, eat healthy, and by all means, see your doctor. She or he will either make suggestions on how to gain weight healthfully or refer you to a nutritionist.
if anything, you're on the thin side.
i'm almost 5'6 myself, and weigh about 104-107, but i'm about 15 years old.
so depending on your age, your weight could be considered healthy, but if you're over the age of 18, i say gain about 10-30 more pounds.
You are blessed; every pound of fat contains about one mile of blood vessels, which your heart must pump blood through.

I wegh 58 kg and am 5'8. I throw up about 6 times a day. How do you see you are not fat.?

You really need to seek care from someone who knows how to help you. I was 16 years old and weighed 62 lbs. I almost died because I was doing what you are doing now. I went to counseling and my Doctor help me get through it. It is very hard to not see your self that way but you can get better with the help of you family and good friends. Go to your Doctor and tell him/her everything. Don't leave anything out. He/She can't help you if you are not honest with them.
you would need to see an eating disorders specialist. This is a very complicated condition and needs a specialist to get you through. You can ask your medical doctor for a recommendation of a specialist for this disorder.
You need to get help if you are making yourself throw up... That is uglier then being heavy
I think you are not fat!But you will be more strong!
I think u aresuffering from bullmia and body dysmorphic disorderBulimia is a serious and complex illness and usually requires specialist medical care.
The severity of bulimia varies from person to person. It is likely that a large numbers of girls with mild symptoms never seek medical help and recover on their own. However, there is a risk that the bulimia will slowly get worse with time. A common time for women to seek help is when they are planning to start a family.
Guidelines published by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) in January 2004 set the standard for NHS treatment of eating disorders in England and Wales.
The main guidelines for bulimia nervosa are:
GPs should make an early diagnosis of an eating disorder so that those seeking help can be assessed and receive treatment at the earliest opportunity.Assessment should be comprehensive and include physical, psychological and social needs.Your GP should initially offer you a self-help programme. As an alternative or additional first step to using the self-help programme, adults with bulimia should be offered the antidepressant medicine fluoxetine. Fluoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), a medicine that can help increase the amount of serotonin available in the brain.If self-help does not work you should be offered a type of cognitive behavioural therapy (a 鈥榯alking鈥?treatment) that has been specially adapted for bulimia, known as CBT- BN. The course of treatment should normally be 16-20 individual sessions over 4-5 months.If you are a teenager with bulimia you should be offered CBT-BN adapted to suit your age, circumstances and level of development. Family members (including other children in the family) should be involved as appropriate. The course should normally be 16-20 individual sessions over 4-5 months.If you not respond to CBT-BN or if you do not want CBT-BN, other psychological treatments should be considered.If part of your bulimia involves making yourself vomit, you should be given dental hygiene advice and have regular dental reviews.If you are a teenager with bulimia, family members (including other children in the family) should be involved in your treatment and care.You will normally be treated as an outpatient. However, a small minority of people with bulimia may need inpatient treatment, usually when they are at risk of suicide or severe self-harm.Specialist eating disorder help lines are available that can offer support and advice - see the Selected links and Support organisations sections of this article for more information.
Successful treatment of bulimia often depends on the person wanting to recover. If this is the case, the outcome of treatment is usually very good
Signs and symptoms
The signs and symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder include:Frequently comparing appearance with that of others
Repeatedly checking the appearance of the specific body part in mirrors or other reflective surfaces
Refusing to have pictures taken
Wearing excessive clothing, makeup and hats to camouflage the perceived flaw
Using hands or posture to hide the imagined defect
Frequently touching the perceived flaw
Picking at one's skin
Frequently measuring the imagined or exaggerated defect
Elaborate grooming rituals
Excessive researching about the perceived defective body part
Seeking surgery or other medical treatment despite contrary opinions or medical recommendations
Seeking reassurance about the perceived defect or trying to convince others that it's abnormal or excessive
Avoiding social situations in which the perceived flaw might be noticed
Feeling anxious and self-conscious around others (social phobia) because of the imagined defect
Body dysmorphic disorder is a type of somatoform disorder. Somatoform disorders are characterized by physical symptoms that suggest a medical condition. However, a thorough medical evaluation doesn't reveal any underlying medical cause for the physical symptoms.The cause of body dysmorphic disorder is unclear. However, researchers believe that a number of factors may be involved and that they can occur in combination, including:A chemical imbalance in the brain. An insufficient level of serotonin, one of your brain's chemical messengers involved in mood and pain, may contribute to body dysmorphic disorder. Although such an imbalance in the brain is unexplained, it may be hereditary.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Body dysmorphic disorder often occurs with obsessive-compulsive disorder, in which a person uncontrollably practices ritual behaviors that may literally take over his or her life. A history of or genetic predisposition to obsessive-compulsive disorder may make you more susceptible to BDD.
An eating disorder. Body dysmorphic disorder also may be present with an eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, especially if it involves a weight-related part of the body, such as the waist, hips or thighs.
Generalized anxiety disorder. Body dysmorphic disorder may accompany generalized anxiety disorder. This condition involves excessive worrying that disrupts your daily life, often causing exaggerated or unrealistic anxiety about life circumstances, such as a perceived flaw or defect in appearance, as in BDD. A history of or genetic predisposition to generalized anxiety disorder may make you more susceptible to body dysmorphic disorder.
Psychological, behavioral or cultural factors. People from families of higher socioeconomic status or strict cultural standards may experience body dysmorphic disorder more often. Someone who feels that he or she must live up to unobtainable or unrealistically high expectations for personal appearance and success may be more prone to BDD.
Doctors often use a combination of medications and talk therapy (psychotherapy) to help people overcome body dysmorphic disorder:Antidepressants. A specific type of antidepressant called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may help lessen or alleviate the signs and symptoms of BDD. Depending on the severity of symptoms, your doctor may wish to consider using other medications, as well.
Cognitive behavior therapy. This type of talk therapy identifies unhealthy, negative beliefs and behaviors and replaces them with healthy, positive ones. It's based on the idea that your own thoughts 鈥?not other people or situations 鈥?determine how you behave. The premise is that even if an unwanted situation hasn't changed, you can change the way you think and thus behave in a positive way. Cognitive behavior therapy can be effective in learning to manage the effects of BDD. Careful attention to your thoughts may be coupled with certain behavioral assignments, such as reducing the amount of time you check your appearance in the mirror, or increased exposure, such as going out in public more often.