Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I would like to detoxify my body- any advice?

I was thinking of eating only fresh fruit, veggies, nuts, and water/tea- does this sound ok? And how long should I do it? Also, is it ok to steam the veggies (without adding salt, etc)? Serious answers only please and site your sources (if any).
go vegan, as you have suggested. Look to my other answers on the same subject for further information.
the greens.
When detoxifying you can do it within 2 weeks but you cant eat any kind of breads certain vegtables and some meats. Here is a good site that tells you all about what you should eat and how to do it right. I like the tea diet to it is great at cleansing your system.
Green tea is great to detox your body. the website posted below make a great detox tea. It is a bit weird tasting but works wonderful as I have tried it many times.
Drink lots of water. Keep to only fresh raw veggies and fruit for 24 hours. Then going forward then best way to flush the toxins from your body is to drink lots of plain water.
Drink 1.5 litres of fresh water first thing when you wake up in the morning. Do this for one week and you will feel real great.
Never detox your body without your doc's supervision. Here's why: Although you may feel you know your body "inside and out," even the healthiest of people can have "on-the-horizon-ready-to-break... conditions that, because most of us are only part of "Mr. Q" public, we often don't know that something is about to blossom until it does.
Regarding the steamed veggies, eat those "till you drop." Just watch the salt addition (not too much), and the idea of eating them without salt is excellent. If you eat meat and processed foods in cans, the salt requirement that we all need for proper nerve function and the necessary iodine for the body will be met.
check out "fat flush detox" at

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