Monday, July 13, 2009

I need to lose weight...?

I'm 17 years old, 5'3 and 140 pounds which is slightly over weight for my height. I want to eat healthier but there is nothing here except chips, ice cream and cookies. And with me only being 17 I still live with my mother and her boyfriend who is such an idiot, he think that when we have steaks 3x a week we're eating healthy, and he thinks he's always right. How do I talk them into buying healthier foods?
Call CPS and tell them your Moms boyfriend is not allowing you to eat proper foods and as such is harming your health causing you to be over weight. And all you desire is a proper diet.
Sweetheart you will be fed the proper foods after that call.
next time your mom goes to the store go with her. Pick out some food you would like to eat. Maybe ask her about a nutritionist for the whole family. And stop making excuses, you need exercise too.
im in the same position as you, my parents are very busy people and usually buy fast foods...what i did was go shopping with them and pickout healthy foods, if ur on a budget, then search the flyers taht your parents go to and choose those items. i know its hard for you, especially if your parents are stubborn.
You can still eat steak 3 times a week, just eat less of it and start exercising. Talk to your mom about your concerns. Tell her that you'd like to start eating healthier. Ask her if they could incorporate more salads, veggies and fruits. Go to the store with her. If they wont, then go get a job and start buying your own food. Also, don't drink any soda. Only drink water or sports drinks.
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)

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