Monday, July 13, 2009

I need to tone my tum.?

I suffer with back ache and spend a few nights a week in hotel rooms due to work so not able to use excercise equipment unless it's very small and fits in a suitcase.
sit ups? all you need is a small cusion/towel folded to support the lower part of your back.An inflatable gym ball for abdominal excersises, to deflate the good decent ones are easy, they have a special mechanism, speak to the sales person and ask them how to deflate the ball after use, it flattens right down,take up riding either a horse or a bike, both will test your core muscles and in turn tone your abdominal muscles.
put down the fork
ok!? no offence BUT 'the gym baby... the gym"
I need to do the same, sit ups and crunches are the easiest and best way. If you find them too hard then just do what you can + 3 -5 more and build it up from there. I say 3-5 more because we can all do at least that many more than we think if we try a bit harder !
Just re-read your question properly, does the back ache mean you can't do sit ups ? If so, sorry can't help.
I like to pack running shoes. They are small and light and it is a great exercise. I'm not sure if you can do it with your back, but you might give it a try. It's a full body workout and gives you the benefit of being able to see the locations where you visit. (may be a detriment in some cases!).Also yoga is a superb exercise, and you can just use a nice bathtowel on the carpeting so you don't need to carry anything at all. This has the added benefit of increasing your flexibility (may help your back) and provides much needed relaxation after a day in the airplanes and security lines.
I couldn't have a better answer for you than what i'm about to say. I have been doing 100 crunches a night for two years. I'm not really sure how I started but I just began doing them. Even when I have periods of no exercise I always do my 100 crunches every night. people always compliment on my posture and I have a really a strong spin. I also have a super strong stomach. I'm not a person who exercises everyday but I look much better because of my crunches. They take about a minute. It build abdominal muscles while you sleep and helps digestion in the morning. If you want a very toned stomach try belly dancing. TRust me... IT WORKS OUT YOUR STOMACH. alsoit requires you to keep your bodystraight
get rid of body fat (exercise and healthy eating) then do the old sit up and crunches
i can tell be your attitude you arent gonna burn 1 ounce of fat from your dont need equipment other than shoes... you need exercise and its not gonna conform to your lifestyleyour gonna change your lifestyle and make it a priority or your not gonna change. besides every hotel ive been at for a while now has bikes, treadmills, ellipticals and that sorta stuff anyway.situps dont burn the fat on your gut and neither will anything but 45 minutes of cardio dailyor 3x a week minimum if you eat a decent diet. but if you travel a lot its probably hard too so you really gotta work at itotherwise we'd all have ripped abs
you need to follow these recommendations:
1- stretch your back muscle from long sitting position 30 seconds for 3 times
2- stretch hamstring muscle both sides 30 seconds for 3 times
3- during you break apply heat source on your back for 10 minutes
My friend what you need to do is basically watch your late night eating. From a personal point of view i have tried it ,use warm water and some lemon juice every morning and evening if possible. Try to exercise. And once you keep at it you will succeed. You do not need any exercise machines ot keep fit ,just some determination.GOD bless you !
given what you said about your back and the fact that you only want to tone your tum and not build muscle on it like a six pack or anything i would recommend swimming. this will burn and tone away at your stomach without given you a six pack.
this or other exercises that work your stomach muscles in a stretched position. the key to toning is stretching the muscles not contracting them.
sit don't need any equipment for those. :D
Well... if you have back ache you might not be able to do many crunches or sit-ups...right?! Well you should try squeezing you tummy muscles for like a minute and repeat the process 5-7 times do this whenever. Also try the super-man, it's lying on your tummy and lifting your arms and legs as far as you can and do that until failure, until you can do it any longer. And try to do some oblique crunches that's doing a crunch with your knees up and having your right elbow touch your left knee and vise-versa.

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