Saturday, August 8, 2009

I want to start running. Any tips? Should I drink water before I run?

I have never been into running. I always gave up right away but I am finally determined to beat my fear of running. Any tips for me? Should I drink water before I run? I am guessing I shouldn't drink a LOT becaue it might slow me down. Please give me some tips. Thank you
1) Find a good bra (one of those for high impact)
2) Get a good pair of shoes
3) Don't drink too much water before because you'll feel like a steam iron but drink plenty of water at the end of your workout.
4) start by doing intervals, for instance you walk .1 mile and run .1 mile, it'll help you burn more calories and you'll feel less tired
5) don't forget to breathe properly.
Your body will need fuel for running. You get fuel from carbohydrates. So you want to eat whole grains, like soy pasta, about 60-90 minutes before running. A serving is 1/2 cup, so don't over load your body.Also, have a banana -- the potassium helps reduce your chance of legs cramping up.Make sure you are hydrated before running. If you feel thirsty, then it's already too late and you're dehydrated. Drink water throughout your run. And remember to pace yourself. Start out with a slow jog combined with an alternating fast walk every few minutes. Do this for the first week. Then move to an all slow jog. Then start picking up the pace until you can run the distance, whether it be 3 miles or 5 miles.
do you have an mp3 player or an ipod?
something that helps me when i run is listening to music.
take a bottle with you but dont drink too much while running . i wouldnt drink any beofre if i were you
First off, start slow, or you will burn out and never want to run again. For example, walk for maybe 5 minutes, then jog for 2, walk for 5, jog for 2 (or however many you feel like you can do) until you're gradually decreasing your walking time and increasing your running time and speed. I personally do not drink water before I run; some people do. It gives me bad side cramps. But definitely drink water AFTER. Also, make sure you are wearing running shoes.
Yes, you shouldn't drink alot before running. Especially don't eat too soon before running. If you have never run before you might experience a few cramps. this is normal. If your determined you can work through them and in a week or so you should feel like your getting in shape. Runner's world magazine is a good resource on tips and articles. Get a good pair of shoes and warm up before you start. Good luck and run forrest run!
Don't! it will not only slow you down but it may also cause you stomach ache. You can drink water at least 30 min. before and while you are running drink little by little so you wont dry your mouth and suffer dehydration. It will also help your excretory system function well.
Eat a good high proteen breakfast. Stretch first. Start off slow. Drink small amounts of water at a time when your running. Set goals for your self and when your body says stop don't, running is 90% what your brain says you can do, you will soon get a good pace. Don't run on a track, run on a trail, the trac is hoter, ther is nothing to look at, and it is ugly.
my personal experiance is not to drink a lot before you go. It makes me sick to my stomach. The first time I went to the gym I ran a mile and drank a bottle of water while I was doing it and threw up 3 times when I got home, it makes me weird feeling, but now I just take a small bottle with me and just sip on it, but never big gulps at a time.
I've just seriously started running in the past 6 months or so. One crucial tip I can give is don't expect yourself to run 10 miles a day when you first start! Start off slowly.. 2 miles is plenty. And don't push yourself overly hard at first or else you could injure yourself, or you'll become discouraged. So please, start off slowly and don't set too high expectations. Your mind has to be more prepared than your body when you start.Second tip: don't eat or drink too much before a run. Remember though, that each person is different. I personally run faster and better on a near empty stomach, but some people I know need to eat a protein bar or something before hand. Only you know your body and what it needs. It might be a bit of a trial and error before you get it right. Don't give up! You have to keep trying and pushing yourself to do it. Like I said, don't expect to be the best runner right away. It takes a lot of practice and perseverance. Good luck!
Carry some water along with you.
Eat a high carb breakfast, with protein, 1/2-1 hour before you run. Drinking a lot of water right before will make you "swoosh" in your tummy! LOL
But not bad to drink water or Gatorade before.

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