Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I think i have an eating disorder but i do not 'binge' or 'purge' or too under weight, what could i have?

could i have bullimia, anorexia im not sure is there any sights you could recommend i go on?
dear friend .,
you need not fear you can follow simple ways to have your favourable weight by proper diet.please check the following website.
http;//winyour weight.com/
If you don't binge or purge and you're not under weight, what's the problem?
You haven't mentioned starving yourself, do you? If you starve yourself you are anorexic.
The question isn't very clear but whatever the problem, go and see your doctor. He can refer you to a counsellor who specialises in eating disorders.
Don't be embarrassed or uncomfortable with going, I am being referred myself as I have binge eating disorder.
Your health relies on your diet so please sort this, it's very important.
i am not really sure what you are asking here, but if you are after sites that tell you how to 'binge' then 'purge', then no way would I tell you. It is a very unhealthy to do so.Need more details about what you consider a eating disorder.
Sorry I don't understand, if you don't binge or purge and aren't underweight then why would you think you have an eating disorder, are you saying you are feeling like you want to do these things, if so then I would suggest you go see your GP asp before you do end up been ill with an eating disorder.
More detail is needed about "what you do" with food. Here is some information on emotional eating:

When anxiety, fear, loneliness, anger, guilt or any uncomfortable emotion becomes too difficult to control, food provides a powerful distraction.Food changes the chemical balance in the body. some foods increase endorphin levels, which in turn creates a sense of happiness or contentment. We associate being full with comfort. Fullness increases comfort, which counteracts negative emotions. And if a person eats past fullness to discomfort, the physical sensation distracts the mind from other problems. Eating also takes time, time that might otherwise be spent thinking negative thoughts.Of course, afterwards, we feel guilty and then go on a new diet or fast or get involved in a heavy exercise routine to try and fix the heavy load of calories consumed. But what most of us find out is that this is a continual cycle that will appear again in hours,days,weeks or maybe even months from now.Food in this situation becomes known as medication than as used to handle hunger.

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